Five definitive signs it is time for a new job
by Domenico Bruzzese on October 24
1. Specify the position
If you do not know how to compile a resume, be sure to specify the position you are applying for. She’s the name of the resume. This is the most important part of your professional card. The more specific, the better, for example: Accountant, English Translator, Purchasing Manager.

2. Add contact details
Introduce yourself and write your phone number. You should not specify the address of residence, since it is unlikely that the employer will write you a letter. But you must write an email address. Also do not hamper to indicate the city of your residence or the city to which you are ready to move.
2.1 Describe your work experience.
Describe your work experience as much as possible. It is worth starting from the last place of work, and finishing – first. If on the professional path you had to work in a completely different specialty to which you apply, this information can be missed.
- Period of work
- Your responsibilities in this position
- The position you have held
- Direction of the company’s activity
It is very important to describe in detail what exactly was your responsibility and what heights you have reached. You do not have to use complex designs.